
dInosine - 1 modification

  • Cat.Number : MD-NB001-IN004
  • Availability :
    In production

Synthesis scale

Alternative choices

Inosine is a nucleoside that occurs naturally in the wobble position of the anticodon of some transfer RNAs and is known to form base pairs with A, C and U during the translation process. Several experiments have suggested that deoxyinosine might be an “inert” base, its presence in an oligonucleotide sequence seems neither to disturb DNA duplex formation nor to destabilize the duplex. Independent of sequence effects, the order of base-pairing stabilities is I-C >> I-A > I-T = I-G. Deoxyinosine containing primers have been used successfully to amplify cDNA or genomic fragments for the generation of DNA probes from a peptide sequence.


Molecular Mass/ Weight
  • 314,19
Modification Position
  • 3'
  • 5'
  • IN
Storage & stability
Resuspension condition
  • - Spin the tube briefly to collect the pellet in the bottom of the tube - Add an appropriate volume of recommended buffer (refer to technical data sheet) - Allow the tube to stand a few minutes - Vortex the tube for 15 seconds
Storage Conditions
  • Dried Oligonucleotides are stable for 18 months at ambiant temperature. Oligonucleotides in solutions are stable for 24 months at -20°C. (Tolerance -20°C± 5°C. ) For more information please refer to the Reconstitution-Storage-Stability page
  • Research use
Code Nacres
  • NA.51

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