One-Step Takyon® Ultra Probe 4X MasterMix 200 RXN

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  • Cat.Number : UF-UPRT-C0201
  • Availability :
    In production
  • Shipping conditions : Ice delivery fees must be applied


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Takyon® Ultra is an optimized RT-qPCR reagent with enhanced viral RNA and multiplex detection capabilities.
Our Probe-based One-Step Takyon® Ultra RT qPCR MasterMix enables specific, reproducible and highly sensitive viral RNA detection such as SARS-CoV-2, influenza and RSV, with a broad dynamic range.
Combined with the improved Euroscript II Plus the reagent allows for convenient high throughput automated assay set up at room temperature.

Takyon® Ultra is avalaible in various pack-size from 200 to 10,000 - 20 µL Reactions. Larger batches and custom packaging are available on request.

Advantages of Takyon® Ultra
- One-Step RT-qPCR : From RNA template to results in just 1 reaction setup
- 4X FAST MasterMix : A more concentrated Mix to maximize your template volume, with FAST results delivery
- COVID Optimized : Clear low copy and no false positive results on COVID-19 samples
- Multiplex Improved : Co-diagnosis of multiple pathogens in a single test
- For all Thermocyclers : Individual ROX™ vial included for optimal results on all ROX-based platforms
- Automation friendly : 24h stability at 20°C for convenient high throughput assay setup


Kits components
  • This sample kit contains: One tube (1 mL ; black cap) of 4X MasterMix containing Takyon® DNA polymerase, MgCl2, dNTPs and stabilizers; one tube (0,09 ml ; white Cap) of Euroscript II RT PLUS ; one tube (0,5 ml ; red cap) of ROX™ Passive reference.
Quantity & Purity
  • 4X
Storage & stability
  • In solution
Storage Conditions
  • The One-Step Takyon® Ultra Probe 4X MasterMix should be stored between -20°C and -25°C in a constant temperature freezer. When stored under these conditions, the kit is stable for 24 months.<br>For short term storage the MasterMix component of the One-Step Takyon® Ultra Probe 4X MasterMix can be stored at 4°C for 6 months.<br>The Euroscript II RT PLUS should always be stored at a temperature between -20°C and -25°C in a constant temperature freezer.<br>For increased convenience, a working blend of MasterMix and Euroscript II RT Plus (a “one-tube solution”) can be prepared and stored at -20°C for up to one month. Moreover, this blend will be stable at 20°C for up to 24h allowing for time-consuming high-throughtput assays set-up. Combine 84 µl of Euroscript II RT Plus with 1.05 ml MasterMix. Use 5.4 µl of this blend per 20 µl final reaction as.”
qPCR compatible thermocyclers
Template type
  • RNAs
Detection Method
  • Diagnostics
  • Research use
Code Nacres
  • NA.55

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