Black Hole Quenchers®: IP free for all applications

Eurogentec is now able to provide the original BHQ® probes for all applications.
From now on Black Hole Quenchers provided by Eurogentec can be used freely for diagnostic and commercial applications as it was already the case for research purposes.
A quicker and simpler process
Without license fees on BHQ® usage, the customers save time and money.
Eurogentec will continue to synthesize BHQ® labeled qPCR probes for research institutes and clinical labs and now also for diagnostic and commercial applications.
Our customers will enjoy a simplified process with Eurogentec as their unique partner and provider.
The most popular and efficient quenchers
BHQs® are non-fluorescent quenchers that cover a large range of the full visible spectrum (from 480 nm to 730 nm). They were engineered to be true black quenchers with no emission of background signal.
MGB was a first case
In January 2021, we were one of the first to provide MGB Probes for all applications. Since then, users are no longer limited by any license, whatever their applications or location.
MGB is a minor groove binder added to the 3’end of a DNA probe to stabilize the duplex probe-target and reinforcing the specificity of the qPCR assay.
Expanded Access™ Dyes & Quenchers portfolio
With the new-comers BHQ® and MGB, our portfolio of IP-friendly reporter dyes and quenchers expands to offer at least one D/Q pair per qPCR channel.
Access Dyes and Quenchers are efficient fluorescent dyes and quenchers pairs offering a license friendly plan for diagnostic and commercial applications.