Tips for Choosing the Right SYBR® Master Mix

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When it comes to quantitative PCR (qPCR), choosing the right assay technology can significantly impact your results. This article will help you understand how the SYBR® technology works and guide you in selecting the right qPCR reagents for your lab.

Understanding SYBR® qPCR Master Mix

SYBR® qPCR Master Mix is a pre-mixed solution containing all the necessary components for performing qPCR, except for the template DNA and primers. The mix typically includes a DNA polymerase, dNTPs, MgCl2, and the SYBR® dye in an optimized buffer formulation.

How Does SYBR® Work?

The SYBR® Green I dye binds to all double-stranded DNA and lights up when attached. As the amplification progresses, the fluorescent signal from the reporter increases in direct proportion to the concentration of double-stranded DNA.

Advantages of SYBR® Technology

SYBR® assays are popular due to their simplicity and effectiveness compared to probe-based assays. SYBR® is straightforward and economical for dye-based real-time PCR assays, making it ideal for singleplex assays and research purposes such as gene expression analyses. It provides reproducible qPCR results without the need for expensive fluorescent probes. SYBR® technology is versatile, working with any target sequence and is easy to use, avoiding the hassle of designing multiple probes.

One potential issue with SYBR® Green is the risk of detecting nonspecific products. However, performing a melt curve analysis can help identify unintended PCR products. Specific products typically denature at a consistent and higher temperature, resulting in a single sharp peak on a fluorescence vs. temperature plot. Nonspecific products or primer dimers usually melt at lower and more variable temperatures, producing multiple peaks on the plot (see example):

Figure 1 : Melt curve with primers dimers (corresponding to the first peak around 76 °C)

In conclusion, probe assays shine in specificity and are ideal for multiple targets co-detection while SYBR® assays win on cost and ease for single target detection and simple assay design. For research purposes, SYBR®’s simplicity, low cost, and efficiency often make it the go-to choice.

Selecting the Right SYBR® qPCR Master Mix

Now that you know more about SYBR® technology, it’s time to select an appropriate qPCR kit.

1. Sensitivity

The efficiency of the polymerase and the formulation of the buffer play essential roles in determining the sensitivity and dynamic range of your assay. Eurogentec's Takyon® SYBR® qPCR kits include high-quality reagents to ensure superior performance.

2. Reproducibility

Achieving high reproducibility across both replicates and experiments is crucial for data reliability. Eurogentec's high-quality reagents ensure consistent results. Additionally, the inclusion of an inert blue dye in our SYBR® Master Mix kits helps minimize dispensing errors, further enhancing reproducibility.

3. Compatibility

Ensure your Master Mix is compatible with your qPCR machine (e.g., ROX level) to boost performance. Eurogentec provides guidance to help you select the best kit according to your lab equipment.

4. Ease of Use

Some Master Mixes, such as Eurogentec’s SYBR® Blue qPCR Mix, include an inert dye to simplify your workflow, reducing human errors. The Takyon® Blue Additive enhances contrast between qPCR Master Mixes and plasticware, allowing quick and precise verification of reagent distribution.

5. Sample Testing

Having a sample available allows you to avoid investment in expensive and underperforming kits. Before ordering a large reaction volume, try a sample. Eurogentec offers sample kits so you can test before buying.

For more details, download our infographic and discover the 7 key reasons to test a qPCR sample.

6. Support and Documentation

Good technical support and clear instructions are lifesavers. Eurogentec prioritizes customer support, providing help whenever you need it.


Choosing the appropriate SYBR® qPCR Master Mix involves considering factors such as compatibility with your qPCR instrument, sensitivity, reaction efficiency, visualization, and good customer support. Eurogentec’s SYBR® qPCR Master Mix with blue inert dye offers all these advantages. It drastically reduces dispensing errors, boosting the accuracy of your qPCR results while being cost-effective.

SYBR® Mix ensures simplicity, efficiency, and user-friendliness, making it a reliable choice for routine research applications while probe technology is better suited for more demanding applications such as clinical diagnostics.

Want to Try a Sample? Visit our page and choose your sample kit

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