Takyon® Ultra : A New One-Step RT-qPCR MasterMix optimized for COVID-19 detection

Products & Services

Today we expand our qPCR product line with the introduction of Takyon® Ultra, a new One-Step RT-qPCR MasterMix with unique benefits, developed at our headquarter laboratories in Liège, Belgium.


Takyon® Ultra : One-Step 4X RT-qPCR MasterMix for Probe Assays

The New Takyon® Ultra is a One-Step 4X MasterMix compatible with all qPCR thermocyclers. It is composed of optimized reagents to achieve highly specific, reproducible and sensitive detection of viral RNA templates:

    • COVID-19 detection optimized
    • Multiplex testing improved
    • Facilitated Automation

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Optimized Performance

Takyon® Ultra demonstrates high specificity and sensitivity for the detection of RNA viruses in low concentrated samples.

Assays with samples from COVID-19 patients match or outperform most available kits on the market.

Figure 1. Sensitivity and specificity of Sarbeco E gene (SARS-Cov-2 RNA viral target) detection in samples from known COVID-19 positive (patients 1 & 2) or negative (patient 3) patients.

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Available online for quick delivery


Takyon® Ultra is now available as a catalog product on our online shopping platform for all researchers, clinical laboratories and diagnostic companies.

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Eurogentec : Support Scientists in their fight against the COVID-19 pandemic

From the beginning of the health crisis, Eurogentec has been there to support researchers, clinical &  diagnostic laboratories, biotechnology and pharma companies, by providing them with solutions that help target the coronavirus pandemic.

In addition to routine production and delivery of products for research and diagnostics, Eurogentec collaborates with companies to develop and manufacture innovative plasmid DNA and mRNA-based vaccines.

Fight COVID Together

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